Initial Assessment:
Author manuscriptswill be immediately acknowledged and if found suitable according to journal guidelines shall be sent to Peer Reviewers.
Manuscript Processing:
Double-blind peer review policy will be followed. The manuscript will be sent,after initial process, to two reviewers without the name of its author and the affiliation. Total of four weeks will be given to the reviewers to submit the review. The first reminder after two weeks and second reminder after three weeks will be sent and in case of no response, it will be sent to the third reviewer.
After receiving the manuscript from the reviewer the manuscript will be sent to the author, in case the reviewer wants some corrections or have some comments. The author will be given two weeks to resubmit the article. If the revised article fulfills the criteria according to the comments the manuscript will be sent back to the reviewer for approval however if the manuscript is rejected on the basis of major mistakes or not following the proper policies and guidelines a regret letter will be sent to the author. If approved in the first round the author will be informed.
The whole process may involve 3-4 months for the finalization.
The guidelines for the Reviewers are according toICMJE,of Pakistan Medical & Dental Council (PMDC/PMC),Higher Education Commission (HEC),however following points are suggested to the reviewers:
- Should critically assess the originality, importance, and quality of research work.
- The study's title and objectives are in line with the conclusion.
- The coherence between the title and conclusion along with the rationale.
- Study design, duration & place where the study was conducted, inclusion & exclusion criteria, methodology, and statistical analysis are mentioned.
- Must access the tables and figures thoroughly.
- Disclaimers and the limitation of the studies, objectives and future recommendations needs to be mentioned.
- Preferably the acknowledgment should be the part of study.
- Acknowledgments should also be preferably mentioned.
- Disclaimers regarding the author should be sent to the editors.
- An acceptance letter will be issued to the author in due time.
Conflicts Of Interest / Grant Support & Financial Disclosure Policy
- All the authors must submit their disclosures including but not limited to financial consultancies, share ownerships, and trouble grants.
- Any acknowledgment or grants from any organization should be mentioned.
- Authors should fill out the conflict-of-interest declarationandauthor agreement form available on the website.